Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Arriving in the USA

After leaving Hong Kong, we went to the DC area to get ready for our new move.
We stop at Krista's home in Maryland and visit her family.
"Princess" Kate playing with her new fairy tale toys.
Ryan and Travis being entertained by Brooklyn.
Krista and I swim with the girls.
Krista shows us "7 months pregnant."
We get together with the Johnsen's, whom we knew from Hong Kong.
Ryan and I play with Kate and Brooklyn...

Callie, Wendi, Krista and I go to the midnight premier of the newest Twilight movie.

Visiting my dad's grave at Arlington National Cemetery.
Ryan and I take Arvid to see the Changing of the Guards as he'd never seen it.
Visiting with our friends, the Rollins, whom we knew in South Africa.
Mary and Krista pose (8 months & 7 months, respectively)
Grandpa and Kate
Grandpa and Brooklyn
We say goodbye and head to Utah. But I plan on going back for the new baby!

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