So I went into an upscale hair salon in downtown Hong Kong to get a trim. Only a trim. But this Italian woman got so excited about the long mess I had and wanted to shape it up a little. She suggested a little fringe (bangs) and a tiny bit of layering around my face. I said okay. What she described and what she did were vastly different to me.
The first week, all I could do was gel it and "mess it up". I got LOTS of positive comments about that 'do, but it felt a little too young and funky for me. Now I've been trying to tame it a bit and this is what I get - sans gel. I have yet to decide if I keep it or grow it out. Arvid likes it more tame, but most of my friends like the young, cool, hip, gelled version. I'm in between.
By the way, I'm having trouble uploading the picture, so you'll have to use your imagination until I succeed.
No I can't use my imagination. I need pictures. Please try again. Also I bet I will like the young hip funky gelled version also. I tried to go for a look like that once, but my hair kept growing too fast. I still think I might though. Hey we can be twins!
PS Do not be put off by the present look of our blog. I was experimenting and then conference started so I had to go, and then I've been having issues getting it to work so hopefully it will be more viewer-friendly soon!
Wow mom, that is different. It's probably a child psychology thing, but it doesn't look like you. Really cool though =D
So is this the hip cool gelled version or the not-gelled version? It's hard to say. But it really is better than the picture you'd painted in my head! Definitely different, but not bad-different. It looks nice! You should put up pictures of the different versions of this look.
I agree with Krista that it is definitely different from the image I had in my mind, but I like it. It looks good.
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