Wednesday, September 9, 2009


As many of you know, Scott was able to come to Hong Kong and spend a little time with us after the year at BYU and before his mission. While here, he was able to get a full-time temporary job at the U.S. Consulate. There's a picture here of him leaving for work one morning with his dad.
We were able to some hiking together - and got a great shot of our apartment building from the back - an interesting view. (If you know EXACTLY where to look, you can see Ryan's bedroom window!) Also I got a shot of Scott and Ryan playing a "duet" on the piano. Fun.

The Mission Call finally came after an exciting wait. Scott was called to the Taiwan Taipei Mission, Mandarin speaking, and entering the MTC on July 8. Arvid and I took him to the Hong Kong Temple to receive his endowment. We had a wonderful experience together. Afterwards, we met outside with his friends Andrew Chenn (called to Australia - Cantonese speaking) and Alex Nightingale (called to Singapore - Mandarin speaking). The three boys are pictured together. Scott and Alex entered the MTC the same day, with Andrew and a couple other friends entering later. It is so great that they are all out serving the Lord "together."

(If anyone wants to teach me how to put the pictures in the right order, feel free!!!!)


The Pickled Red Herring said...

YAY you're back! We miss Scott. And pictures - you can just drag and drop them while you're writing the post. Or I like to cut and paste so I don't have to drag them all the way to the spot where I want them.

Carlson Family said...

Thanks Krista! You're the pro. Now, how do I get the pictures spaced nicely within the text instead of words, words, words, then a few pictures. You do such nice spacing in yours and mine doesn't seem to give me that option - or I just don't know how (the probably reason!)