Friday, November 21, 2008

Past Birthdays

Ryan pulled out these old pictures, after being inspired by the old ones of me that Krista posted on her blog. I think Ryan mostly got a kick out of my old glasses (gag - thank goodness for LASIK!)

The first two are from my 30th birthday, Nov. 1988. Krista was 5 1/2 years old - and note the bunny ears I'm giving to my innocent little 4-year old, Erika. Incidentally, I spent the night at the hospital with 7-month old David. He was sick with croup and couldn't breathe. We had him on some breathing machine, where he spent most of the night. It was miserable for him. Poor little guy. I think the picture from my birthday that Krista has on her blog is from my 32nd or 33rd birthday (maybe 34?). We were in Price then - so 1990 or later.

The third one was taken in about 1988 - 29 years old. I'm holding David. I think Ryan chose this one as he was laughing at my glasses and my tie. Hey, that was cool back then (maybe not so much the glasses...)!

1 comment:

The Pickled Red Herring said...

AAAAHHHH I LOVE these! I don't think I've seen them before. Well other than 20 years ago or so of course. You always look great. I really really love the tie.